What's the 'best bike' for the trails around here?

What's the 'best bike' for the trails around here?

Fat bikes, thin bikes. Enduro bikes, All-Mountain bikes. XC bikes, CX bikes. The choice in bicycles is so bewildering today it leaves many a rider pondering which niche defines them best.

However, nearly every design has been tried and tested in the Dyfi since the first MTBs were imported by enthusiastic locals over 30 years ago,and a quick glance around on a typical Tuesday night ride shows a few common themes that work well: A full suspension frame with 120-160mm at each end; A dropper seat post; fairly chunky tubeless tyres - not dual ply, but not lightweight race spec either. 

What matters most is that you trust the bike, and it works well. The terrain is tough and the slatey grit eats brake pads for lunch! It’s also great if everyone’s riding bikes of a similar type, so that’s one less place for the excuses to hide! ;-)